Updates and information regarding the Redevelopment Plan for 23 East Main Street,
the former Vonage Property.
Documents and Statements
Read the Township’s Redevelopment Plan.
Read CILU’s Letter to its membership regarding the
Vonage Redevelopment Plan.Read CILU’s statement before the Holmdel Planning Board.
Sign the Petition to Protect Holmdel’s Future
At the Township Committee meeting last week the new owner of the 88-acre former home of Vonage at South Holmdel Road and 23 Main Street presented his plans for a high-density residential development. Holmdel residents came out to express their concerns about the plans.
The site is located within NJ State Planning Area 5, an environmentally-sensitive region where development should be limited. It is currently in the OL2 zone which allows for offices, laboratories, a conference center or retail farm markets, but not residential housing. Despite this, the presentation depicted 300 units of high-density senior housing including the renovation of the current building, 50 townhomes and two additional three story buildings.
Please read and sign the petition below if you don't agree with more high-density development in southern Holmdel. This petition will be sent to the Holmdel Township Committee. Below the petition are links to two recent articles about the project and its potential impacts on Holmdel.
Petition: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/protect-holmdels-future
On Thursday, December 19, the Township Committee held a public hearing regarding the redevelopment plan for the former Vonage property, now owned by CHA Holdings. After the commentary, the TC voted to approve the plan.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3BlvtlgrLEA CILU representative read a statement before the Holmdel Planning Board on Tuesday, December 17. Read the statement here.
Many members of the public commented on the CHA redevelopment proposal at the December 10 TC meeting. (Roughly minutes 16:00 - 1:07:00.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Izk8UHpLRdoCHA Holdings, the current owners of the (formerly) Vonage property in Holmdel Village presented their proposed development plans. See the presentation here, from approximately minute 6:00 to minute 35:00.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-13bynUyHUThe AREDAC (see below) presentation to the Township Committee was made on June 11 by Eric Silvergold.
The video is available on Youtube, and the presentation runs from minute 2:50 to 20:20.
The PDF of the presentation is on the township web site here.
[ AREDAC expands to Ad-Hoc Redevelopment and Economic Development Advisory Committee. ]The economic redevelopment committee has been meeting for weeks. The first public readout is scheduled for the Township Committee meeting on June 11, 2024