andrews LLC Letter - UPDATED
Letter to CILU membership
(updated July 2024)
Dear CILU Membership,
On July 17, 2024 the Zoning Board is scheduled to review variance applications from Andrews Management Group LLC regarding the property located at 125-127 Red Hill Road (block 21, lots 4 and 4.01). The now vacant land, recently home to a historic house that was carelessly demolished, is zoned for single family residential/agricultural use only. The owner has submitted plans for two medical office buildings to be constructed on the property. This is not allowed under current zoning.
The maximum impervious coverage allowed under current zoning is 25%. The plans submitted by the owner propose an unacceptable 37% impervious coverage. The property is in an environmentally sensitive planning area (PA 5) and such a drastic increase in impervious coverage threatens an already fragile watershed. Also in non-compliance are the owner’s proposed building heights (45 feet, as opposed to the allowed 35 feet) and set-back from the Garden State Parkway (44 feet, as opposed to the allowed 50 feet).
The plans submitted by Andrews Management Group LLC are not in accordance with Holmdel’s Master Plan. If approved, these plans would convert this bucolic gateway of Holmdel into an industrial area. It is time for Holmdel to send a message to developers that the township will not allow development that is inconsistent with Holmdel’s Master Plan and current zoning laws. The CILU board urges members to speak out at the Zoning Board hearing against the proposed variances.
The CILU Board